How to Play Gomoku Game Pigeon

How to play gomoku game pigeon

Gomoku is a classic board game that dates back to China and later spread throughout Asia. It’s also known as go-moku or simply gomoku. Gomoku is played on a simple grid with five squares on each side, making it easy to play on any device. GamePigeon offers two forms of this game: one called Classic Gomoku and the other called Modern Gomoku. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of both versions so you can start dominating your opponents now!

How to play gomoku game pigeon

Gomoku is a board game for two players. It’s played on a 5×5 grid and each player has five stones, which are placed on the intersections of the grid. The winner of the game is whoever gets five in a row (horizontally or vertically) first.

How to Play Gomoku Game Pigeon

The object of the game is to get five in a row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally). You can either win by getting five in a straight line or by trapping your opponent so they cannot move any more pieces without losing their turn!

Who Goes First in Gomoku?

In a gomoku game, the first player is determined by the roll of a die. If you’re playing with two players, the person who goes first is decided by a coin toss. If you’re playing with four players, each player rolls a die to determine their number order for placing their game pieces.

The Goal of Gomoku

The goal of Gomoku is to get five stones in a row. This can be achieved by placing five stones on the board or by blocking your opponent from getting five stones in a row. If you’re not playing against an opponent, the game ends when you have placed all 32 of your pieces on the board and there are no more moves available.

There are three ways to win:

  • To get five stones in a row across any column, horizontal or vertical line on the grid (this means that you’ll have one stone at each end of each line).
  • To get three stones in a row across any column, horizontal or vertical line on the grid (this means that you’ll have two stones at either end of each line).
  • For example: if I place three black discs next to one another with two white discs between them and all are touching other discs at their corners, then my opponent cannot make his own three black discs without disrupting my formation unless he uses up all four moves available during his turn!

GamePigeon Gomoku Settings and How They Affect the Game

Let’s get started by looking at the GamePigeon Gomoku board. This is where all of the action takes place! You can change many of its settings here, including:

  • Board Size: This is how large your game board will be in centimeters. The default size is 5×5 and it affects how much space you have to move around with your stone and other pieces.
  • Board Type: Here, you can choose between several types of boards that all look different from one another, as well as some additional options like whether or not they have borders around them (which are like walls).
  • Board Style: Like board type, this allows you to choose between several different styles of artwork for each piece on your grid, such as flowers, cats or even mushrooms! You might notice that some boards have more than one style for their pieces, so feel free to try out different ones until you find something that works best for you.

How to Win at Gomoku on GamePigeon

Gomoku is a turn-based strategy game that uses 5×5 grids as its playing field. The goal of Gomoku is to get five stones in a row either vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

The first player to get five stones in a row wins the game. You win by placing your stone on a square that the other player cannot move their stone into. For example: if your opponent has only one available square for his/her next move and you have two available for yours, then you can win by placing one of your pieces on an empty space and forcing him/her onto another empty space with no options left!


Gomoku is a game that requires strategy and skill, which means you need to think about your next move before you make it. However, if you’re new to this game, then don’t worry — we have everything covered here. In this post, we go over how to play Gomoku on GamePigeon and give some tips for beginners on how they can improve their skills at the game.