How to number tables at wedding

If you have guests attending your wedding, then you’ll need to number the tables for them. This ensures that everyone finds the right places to sit and makes it easier for them to communicate with each other throughout the evening. You can choose any theme or color scheme that suits your wedding theme or location—just make sure it’s easy to read as well as attractive!

Choose a theme

When selecting a table number theme, you’ll want to consider the following:

Venue. The venue of your event will determine how formal or informal your table numbers should be. For example, if you’re having your wedding at a museum or art gallery with white walls and marble floors, you may want to stick with simple black and white numbers—so as not to detract from any artwork on display. But if it’s at an outdoor venue like a winery or farmhouse where nature provides its own decorating touches (think colorful flowers in every corner), then more elaborate designs might work best.

Budget. The budget for your wedding will also play a role in choosing what kind of table number design makes sense for this day and age. If you have unlimited funds for decorations but only have time for one store-bought item without hiring help from professionals, then perhaps buying some inexpensive paper cards from Etsy would be the easiest way forward (and most cost effective). On the other hand, if money is tight but still want something beyond plain white envelopes stuffed with slips of paper inside them, then perhaps DIYing some fabric markers would be worth considering instead!

Seasonal considerations: If there’s anything seasonal about this particular event—perhaps it’s being held outdoors during summertime—then make sure that whatever theme chosen reflects those conditions accordingly so guests aren’t left wondering why everyone else seems so comfortable while everyone else feels like they’re going through heatstroke!

Number each table 1 through 20, 25 or 30

You can use stickers, paint or a stencil to number the tables. If you’re using stickers and want to be sure no one sees their number, tape over it with masking tape before applying the sticker. If you’re using a stencil, tape it onto your table and then paint around it with a sponge brush or sponge roller. You may need to put down some newspaper or painter’s canvas first if you are painting on an outdoor space. This will keep the grass from being stained by any spills that happen while painting tables.

Place all the tables around the room

Once you’ve determined where to place your tables, start with the farthest table from the entrance and work your way towards it. Place all the tables around the room in a semi-circle shape, facing outwards and towards the center of the room. This will help create more space for dancing at your reception. Also, avoid putting tables too close together or farther apart than they need to be. You don’t want them crowding a dance floor—but neither do you want them so far apart that guests have trouble finding one another! Finally, keep an eye on numbers while placing them so that people can easily read them as they’re approaching their seat: it’s important that guests don’t get lost trying to find their table number!

Use either gold or silver numbers

Either gold or silver numbers can be used to number your tables.

  • Gold is more formal and traditional, while silver numbers are a bit more modern and fun. If you want to go with the latter, it’s best not to use all gold tablecloths, as this will look mismatched. Instead, stick with neutral linens and decor that work well with either of the two options.
  • Use gold or silver depending on what theme your wedding has been set around. For example, if you’re having a vintage-themed party then using old-fashioned script would work best as it resonates with that era when everything was written by hand (like this post!). However if you’re having something more modern then bold block letters may be better suited as they match up better with today’s trends in fonts

A wedding venue requires that you have the tables numbered for guests

If you’re holding a wedding at a venue that requires table numbers for guests, it’s important to follow these instructions.

The numbers should be on the tables, not on the chairs. The easiest way to number your tables is by using adhesive vinyl table runners with vinyl numbers printed on them. These are inexpensive, easy to apply and remove, and they come in a variety of colors that match most tablecloths.

You should also make sure they’re big enough to read from across the room (1 inch high) and spaced evenly along each side of the tablecloth so guests know exactly where they are sitting without having to ask anyone else what their seat number is!


If you’re looking for an easy way to number your tables at a wedding, this is it! We hope you enjoyed learning how to do so with our tips. If you want more information on how we can help out at your next event, give us a call today!