How to Get Dog Hair Out of Car

Ah, the joys of being a dog owner! The endless cuddles, the wagging tails, and the slobbery kisses. But there’s one aspect of pet ownership that can drive even the most devoted dog lover to the brink of frustration – dog hair in your car. It seems like no matter how hard you try, those stubborn little furballs find their way into every nook and cranny of your vehicle. Fear not, fellow dog parent! In this guide, we’ll explore some tried-and-true methods to get rid of dog hair from your car. So, buckle up, and let’s embark on this hairy journey together.

Arm Yourself with the Right Tools

Before you dive headfirst into the battle against dog hair, you need the right arsenal of tools. It’s like preparing for a camping trip; you wouldn’t venture into the wilderness without a sturdy tent and a trusty flashlight. Likewise, you can’t tackle dog hair without the right tools. So, what do you need?

  1. Lint Roller: This is your trusty sidekick. A lint roller is like a magic wand that quickly picks up loose dog hair from upholstery, carpets, and even your clothes. Keep one in your car for on-the-go hair emergencies.
  2. Rubber Gloves: Those yellow dishwashing gloves you have lying around can be surprisingly effective. Dampen them slightly and run your hands over surfaces to collect hair into manageable clumps.
  3. Squeegee: A rubber squeegee, the kind you use for cleaning windows, can work wonders on fabric seats. Just glide it across the surface to gather hair into easy-to-remove piles.
  4. Pet Hair Brush or Comb: These are specially designed to tackle pet hair. Their bristles are designed to grab and remove hair from upholstery effectively.
  5. Microfiber Cloths: These are excellent for wiping down surfaces and capturing stray hairs. Plus, they’re reusable and easy to wash.
  6. Vacuum Cleaner: A good vacuum cleaner with various attachments is a must-have for any dog owner. Opt for one with a powerful suction to tackle embedded hairs.
  7. Air Compressor: If you’re up for a thorough cleaning, an air compressor can be a game-changer. It can blow out trapped hair from hard-to-reach places.

Now that you’re armed and ready let’s move on to the next chapter.

Preventive Measures – Less Hair, Less Stress

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of hair removal, let’s talk about prevention. Just like preventing a mess in the first place is easier than cleaning it up later, keeping your car relatively hair-free can save you a lot of time and effort.Preventive Measures to Get Dog Hair Out of Car

Tip 1: Invest in Seat Covers: Seat covers are your first line of defense. They create a barrier between your dog’s fur and your car’s upholstery. Plus, they’re much easier to clean or replace.

Tip 2: Use a Dog Blanket or Bed: Place a blanket or bed in the backseat or cargo area where your dog usually sits. This will contain most of the hair in one spot, making it easier to remove later.

Tip 3: Regular Grooming: The more you groom your dog, the less loose hair they’ll have to shed in your car. Brush your dog regularly, and you’ll notice a significant reduction in the amount of hair left behind.

Tip 4: Pet Hair Removers: There are various pet hair removers available, such as pet-specific lint brushes and even car seat protectors with built-in hair-removing technology.

Tip 5: Pet Seat Belts and Harnesses: Aside from safety, seat belts and harnesses can help contain your dog in one spot, reducing their ability to roam around and shed hair all over the car.

Remember, prevention is key to maintaining a relatively hair-free car. But if you’re already dealing with a hairy situation, let’s move on to the next chapter.

The Battle Plan – Removing Dog Hair

Now, let’s dive into the heart of the matter – how to remove dog hair from your car use this useful Tricks to wash the car and leave it like new . We’ll cover different surfaces in your car, from seats to carpets to those pesky nooks and crannies.

Seats and Upholstery:

  1. Lint Rolling: Start by using a lint roller or a pet hair roller. Roll it over the seats in one direction to lift and collect the hair.
  2. Rubber Gloves: Dampen the rubber gloves and run your hands over the seats. The hair will stick to the gloves, and you can easily peel it off.
  3. Pet Hair Brush: Brush the seats vigorously with a pet hair brush, making sure to go against the grain of the fabric. This will help loosen the hair.
  4. Vacuum Cleaner: Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to suck up any remaining loose hairs. For stubborn hairs, consider using a crevice tool to reach between seat cushions.

Carpets and Floor Mats:

  1. Squeegee: Run a rubber squeegee over the carpets and floor mats. The rubber will create friction and lift the hair from the fibers.
  2. Brushing: Similar to seats, use a pet hair brush on the carpets. Again, brush against the grain to dislodge the hair.
  3. Vacuuming: Go over the carpets and mats with a powerful vacuum cleaner. Empty the vacuum canister frequently to ensure it maintains suction.

Nooks and Crannies:

  1. Compressed Air: For those tight spaces like between seats and in the corners, use compressed air to blow out trapped hair. Make sure to wear eye protection for safety.
  2. Detailing Brush: A detailing brush with soft bristles is excellent for reaching and dislodging hair from hard-to-reach areas.

Windows and Glass:

  1. Microfiber Cloth: Dampen a microfiber cloth and wipe down the windows. It will catch any stray hairs and leave your windows streak-free.
  2. Window Cleaning Spray: You can also use a window cleaning spray with a microfiber cloth for added effectiveness.

Ceiling and Headliner:

  1. Lint Roller or Tape: Use a lint roller or wide tape (such as packing tape) to gently lift off any hair from the ceiling. Be careful not to damage the fabric.

Final Touches:

  1. Final Vacuuming: Once you’ve tackled all the surfaces, give your car one more thorough vacuuming to pick up any loose hairs that may have settled during cleaning.
  2. Air Freshener: After all your hard work, finish up with a nice air freshener to eliminate any lingering pet odors.

Deep Cleaning – When Things Get HairyDeep Cleaning to Get Dog Hair Out of Car

Sometimes, dog hair can become deeply embedded in your car’s upholstery or carpeting. In such cases, you might need to go the extra mile to get your car looking and smelling fresh again.

Professional Detailing: Consider taking your car to a professional auto detailer. They have specialized tools and expertise to remove stubborn pet hair and leave your car looking like new.

Steam Cleaning: Steam cleaners can be highly effective at loosening and removing embedded pet hair from upholstery and carpets. You can rent one or hire a professional service.

Fabric Softener: Mix fabric softener with water in a spray bottle (1:3 ratio) and lightly mist the upholstery. Then, use a lint roller or rubber gloves to remove the softened hair.

Baking Soda: Sprinkle baking soda on your car’s carpets and seats and let it sit for a few hours or overnight. Then, vacuum it up. Baking soda can help neutralize odors as well.

Regular Maintenance: To prevent future build-up, commit to regular cleaning and grooming of your car’s interior. The more frequently you address the issue, the easier it becomes to manage.


Getting dog hair out of your car might seem like an uphill battle, but armed with the right tools and techniques, you can reclaim your vehicle from the clutches of pet hair. Remember, prevention is key, but even if your car is already furry, there’s hope. With a little patience and persistence, you can enjoy the company of your four-legged friend on the road without worrying about a hairy situation. So, go ahead, hit the road with your canine companion, and keep your car hair-free and fresh.Dog Hair Out of Car


Now that we’ve covered the essentials of getting dog hair out of your car, let’s address some common questions that might be on your mind.

1: Can I use a regular vacuum cleaner to remove dog hair from my car?

Yes, you can use a regular vacuum cleaner with various attachments. However, it’s best to opt for one with strong suction power, as this will be more effective at lifting and removing stubborn pet hair.

2: How often should I clean my car to keep dog hair at bay?

It depends on how much your dog sheds and how often they’re in the car. For heavy shedders, a weekly or bi-weekly cleaning routine might be necessary. If your dog doesn’t shed much, a monthly clean-up should suffice.

3: Are there any products specifically designed for removing pet hair from cars?

Yes, there are several pet hair removal products on the market, including pet hair brushes, lint rollers, and even car seat covers with built-in hair-removing technology. These can be very effective in managing pet hair.

4: Can I use a pet vacuum cleaner designed for carpets and upholstery?

Yes, you can use a pet-specific vacuum cleaner designed for carpets and upholstery. These are equipped with features like special brushes and filters to effectively tackle pet hair.

5: What’s the best way to remove dog hair from leather seats?

Leather seats require a gentle touch to avoid scratching. Use a lint roller, a soft cloth, or a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment. Be sure to condition your leather seats regularly to maintain their appearance and durability.