Using the right products or homemade formulas assertively, very good results can be obtained in a short time. Cleaning the kitchen doesn’t have to be a problem!

Cleaning the kitchen is something that many people find difficult

Certainly, if there is an area of ​​the house that gets dirty much more frequently than the others, that is, without a doubt, the kitchen.

It is essential that it is always well cleaned

The Countertop Should Be The First Thing When Cleaning The Kitchen

Countertops are one of the areas most susceptible to staining. For this, it is essential to read their composition.

For example, if your countertop is made of marble, you can clean it and make it pristine by mixing: the juice of 1 lemon, warm water,

and 1 full glass of 70º alcohol or hydrogen peroxide (250 ml).


  • Mix the alcohol or hydrogen peroxide with the lemon and also the amount you need of warm water.
  • You will see how, if you rub a little, you are able to get a great shine in this area.

Next Step: The Extractor Hoods

The extractor hoods are another of the tricky areas of the kitchen and doing a thorough cleaning in this part of the house is important. It is an area in which a large part of dirt accumulates and its cleaning requires some effort.

To leave it clean and completely disinfected you need a little gin.

Now, To Polish The Kitchen Utensils

You will only need half an onion and a little salt.


  • To recover the shine of forks and spoons you can use half an onion with salt and rub it on the damaged areas.
  • Alternatively, you can also use soap and water to wash the dishes. Both cheats would be useful for that purpose.
  • In the event that the utensils are ceramic, you can clean them with a little ammonia and detergent.
  • If you have them made of wood, it is best to try whitening them with warm water mixed with hydrogen peroxide.

It is not recommended to have wooden kitchen utensils, since they accumulate a large number of bacteria.

Do Not Forget To Clean The Gas Burner

  • Should be cleaned only when cold

The Kitchen Furniture Must Also Be Reviewed

In the case of kitchen furniture, you can prepare a homemade cleaner, you just have to mix: 1 cup of water (250 ml), half the vinegar, and half vodka. This is a very useful mix that you will get a lot of use out of.


  • To make them clean and free of all kinds of fat, mix all the ingredients, shake them to mix, and pour them into a spray bottle.
  • In addition, it can act as a disinfectant if you add a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • With such a simple mixture you can remove the remains of lime and also the grease stains that may be in the kitchen.

Be Careful With Lime

To be able to forget about the lime, do not hesitate to try mixing: water and two bags of citric acid (approximately 200 g, the amount that will vary depending on the size and the amount of lime there is).


  • To clean you will have to fill 2/3 of the kettle or the chosen container with cold water.
  • Open the sachet of citric acid and add it to the water.
  • Bring to a boil for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • After the indicated time you will have to check if the tartar has come off or not.
  • Next, remove your kettle from the heat and move it from one side to the other; the traces of tartar that fail will show you the efficiency of the cleaning.
  • After cleaning, discard the dirty water and rinse the kettle as well.
  • Finally, you will only have to pour clean water, boil it again and throw it away again.
  • Then repeat the procedure 2 times before returning to normal use.

Cleaning the kitchen does not have to be a task that takes you hours or too much effort. With the right products, determination, and hot water, good results can be achieved in a short amount of time.

Remember to disinfect your cloths and cleaning utensils (sponges, brushes, etc.) once you have finished.

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