How to Remove Skateboard Bearings: A Comprehensive Guide

How to take skateboard bearings out

Skateboarding is a thrilling sport, but maintaining your gear is crucial for optimal performance and safety. One essential task is learning how to remove and replace worn-out bearings. Whether you’re a seasoned skater or a beginner, this guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, offering tips and insights to make the job a breeze.

Why Remove Your Skateboard Bearings?

Before diving into the removal process, it’s important to understand why this maintenance task is necessary. Over time, skateboard bearings wear down due to friction, dirt, and moisture. This can lead to slower speeds, reduced roll time, and even bearing failure. For those new to skateboarding as a beginner, removing and cleaning or replacing your bearings regularly helps maintain a smooth ride and prevent unexpected breakdowns.

How to remove bearing without puller

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Tools and Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Skate Tool: A skate tool is a multi-purpose tool that often includes a bearing puller. If your skate tool doesn’t have one, you can purchase a separate bearing puller.
  2. Axle Nut: This is the nut that holds your wheels onto the truck.
  3. Optional: A small flathead screwdriver or similar tool can be helpful in certain situations.

Step-by-Step Removal Process:

  1. Loosen the Axle Nut: Use your skate tool to loosen the axle nut on the wheel you want to work on. Don’t remove the nut entirely, just loosen it enough to slide the wheel off.
  2. Slide the Wheel Off: Once the axle nut is loose, gently slide the wheel off the axle. If it’s stuck, gently twist and pull it until it comes off.
  3. Using a Bearing Puller (Recommended):
    • Place the Puller: Insert the tip of the bearing puller into the inner race of the bearing (the part closest to the wheel’s core). Ensure the puller is securely hooked onto the bearing.
    • Pull and Twist: Hold the wheel firmly with one hand and use the other hand to pull the bearing puller outward while slightly twisting it. The bearing should pop out. Repeat for the other bearing.
  4. Using the Axle (If No Puller):
    • Position the Wheel: Slide the wheel back onto the axle so that only one bearing is on the axle.
    • Lever the Bearing: Gently leverage the wheel against the axle, using it as a fulcrum to pry the bearing out. Be careful not to damage the wheel or axle. Repeat for the other bearing.
  5. Inspect the Bearings: Once the bearings are removed, inspect them for dirt, rust, or damage. If they are significantly worn, consider replacing them.

Cleaning and Reinstalling Bearings:

If your bearings are still in good condition, you can clean them with a solvent like isopropyl alcohol or a specialized bearing cleaner. After cleaning, apply a few drops of lubricant designed for skateboard bearings. When reinstalling, ensure the bearings are seated properly in the wheel.

Tips and Troubleshooting:

  • Stuck Bearings: If a bearing is particularly stubborn, a few taps with a screwdriver handle on the inner race might help loosen it.
  • New Bearings: When installing new bearings, ensure they are the correct size for your wheels.
  • Spacers: Some skateboards use spacers between the bearings. If your board has spacers, be sure to reinstall them correctly.
  • Regular Maintenance: Make removing and cleaning your bearings a regular part of your skateboard maintenance routine to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

Important Considerations:

  • Safety First: Always be cautious when working with tools. Wear eye protection and work in a well-lit area.
  • Don’t Force It: If a bearing won’t come out easily, don’t force it. You could damage your wheel or axle. Seek help from a more experienced skater or a skate shop professional.
  • Invest in Quality Bearings: High-quality bearings will last longer and perform better, ultimately enhancing your skating experience.

How Many Pieces of Wood Are in a Skateboard


Removing skateboard bearings might seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and knowledge, it’s a simple task that can significantly improve your skateboard’s performance. By following this guide and practicing regular maintenance, you’ll keep your board rolling smoothly for many skate sessions to come. SkateboardTrends review on skateboard bearings can offer valuable insights into choosing the best bearings for your setup.

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