How to Keep Dogs from Digging under Fence

To keep dogs from digging under a fence, reinforce the bottom with chicken wire or lay concrete footers. The problem of dogs digging under a fence can be frustrating and concerning for pet owners.

When dogs dig under a fence, it can lead to escape attempts, potential harm, and damage to the property. Fortunately, there are effective methods to prevent dogs from digging under fences, ensuring their safety and maintaining the yard’s integrity.

Dog owners can effectively deter their pets from digging under the fence by implementing simple yet practical solutions, such as reinforcing the bottom of the fence with chicken wire or installing concrete footers. These solutions are humane, cost-effective, and long-lasting, providing peace of mind and security for the dogs and their owners. For more tips on preventing dogs from digging and other pet-related advice, visiting Lsdaynursery can be a valuable resource. The site offers a wealth of information on creating a safe and secure environment for pets, ensuring their well-being while also maintaining the integrity of your property.

Understanding The Issue

Understanding The Issue

Why Do Dogs Dig Under Fences?

Dogs may dig under fences for various reasons:

  • Curiosity and boredom: Dogs may dig out of boredom or explore the area beyond the fence.
  • Escape instinct: Some dogs may dig to satisfy their instinct to roam or escape, especially if they are not getting enough exercise or attention.
  • Comfort-seeking: Digging can also be a way for dogs to create an excellent spot in hot weather or to seek shelter.

The Consequences Of Dogs Digging Under Fences

Dogs digging under fences can lead to various issues:

  • Escape and safety risks: Dogs that dig under fences can escape, posing a risk to their safety and causing potential harm to others.
  • Damaged property: Digging can damage the fence and the surrounding landscape, creating unsightly and costly repairs.
  • Neighborhood disturbances: Escaped dogs may create disturbances in the neighborhood, leading to conflicts with neighbors or local authorities.

Wooden Fence Solutions

Wooden fences are popular for many pet owners because of their durability and aesthetic appeal. However, they can be susceptible to dogs digging underneath them, posing a safety risk and allowing pets to escape. Here are some effective strategies for preventing dogs from digging under wooden fences:

Installing A Deeper Foundation

It is one way to prevent dogs from digging under a wooden fence. By burying the bottom of the wall several inches below the surface, you can make it more difficult for dogs to tunnel underneath. This reinforces the fence’s stability and acts as a physical barrier that deters digging.

Using Chicken Wire Or Mesh

Another effective solution is to attach chicken wire or mesh along the bottom of the wooden fence. This creates an additional barrier that dogs are less likely to dig through. The wire or mesh should be secured tightly to the wall and extend a few inches underground to discourage digging attempts.

Adding Deterrents To The Fence

Adding deterrents to the wooden fence, including the installation of a removable fence panel, can also discourage dogs from digging underneath. Various pet-safe products, such as bitter apple spray or cayenne pepper, can be applied to the bottom of the fence to create an unpleasant scent or taste for dogs. Additionally, installing motion-activated deterrent devices near the fence can startle dogs and deter them from approaching or digging. The inclusion of a removable fence panel not only facilitates easy access for maintenance or adjustments but can also be strategically utilized to manage and redirect your dog’s digging behavior more effectively. This approach ensures the safety and well-being of your pets while preserving the integrity and aesthetic of your fence.

Chain Link Solutions

Chain Link Solutions offers practical strategies to prevent dogs from digging under fences. You can keep your dog safe and secure in your yard with various solutions, including mesh panels and deterrent sprays.

Burying Chain Link Fencing

One effective solution to prevent dogs from digging under a chain link fence is to bury part of the fence underground. By planting the chain link fencing, you create a barrier that discourages dogs from digging underneath. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Start by measuring the length of the fence that needs to be buried.
  2. Using a shovel or a post-hole digger, dig a trench along the length of the fence. Ensure the trench is deep enough to accommodate the height of the chain link fencing, plus a few inches.
  3. Place the chain link fencing in the trench, ensuring it sits securely on the bottom.
  4. Fill the trench with soil, packing it tightly to stabilize the fence.
  5. Compact the soil on top to create a smooth and even surface.
  6. For additional security, you can add rocks or gravel to the bottom of the trench before placing the chain link fencing.

Attaching Mesh Panels To The Fence

Another effective way to keep dogs from digging under a chain link fence is to attach mesh panels to the existing wall. This adds an extra layer of protection and makes it difficult for dogs to access the area beneath the wall. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Purchase mesh panels that are suitable for attaching to chain link fences.
  2. Cut the mesh panels to the desired length, allowing for overlap on each end.
  3. Secure the mesh panels to the chain link fence using zip ties or wire at regular intervals.
  4. Make sure the mesh panels are taut and securely attached to the wall.
  5. Trim any excess mesh and zip ties to create a neat and clean appearance.

Securing The Bottom Part Of The Fence

To provide additional reinforcement and prevent dogs from digging under the fence, securing the bottom part of the fence is essential. Here are a few methods you can use:

  • Use concrete: Pouring a concrete footing along the bottom of the fence creates a solid barrier that dogs cannot dig through. This method is especially effective for areas where dogs are persistent diggers.
  • Install a wire apron: Dig a shallow trench along the perimeter of the fence and bury a wire apron. This creates a horizontal barrier, preventing dogs from digging under the wall.
  • Place rocks or bricks: Another simple solution is to place large rocks or bricks along the bottom of the fence. This creates an obstacle that makes it difficult for dogs to dig through.

By implementing these chain link solutions, you can keep your dogs from digging under the fence and ensure their safety. Inspect the wall regularly and make any necessary repairs to maintain its integrity. Sources: – How to Keep Dogs from Digging under Fence – 3 Chain Link Solutions (URL: – Dog’s Digging Under a Chain Link Fence (URL:

Alternative Methods

Dogs can be notorious for digging under fences, causing damage to your yard, and potentially escaping. While training and supervision are essential, there are alternative methods you can use to prevent your dog from digging under the fence. This article will explore three effective techniques: using pet-safe deterrents, creating off-limits areas, and pouring a concrete footer.

Using Pet-safe Deterrents

You can use pet-safe deterrents if you want to make certain areas off-limits to your dog. These products are designed to repel dogs and discourage them from digging. Some practical options include:

  • Citrus peel: Dogs are typically repelled by the scent of citrus. You can deter them from continuing this behavior by placing orange or lemon peels in the areas where your dog frequently digs.
  • Bitter sprays: These sprays have a bitter taste that dogs find unpleasant. To discourage digging, simply apply the spray to the bottom of your fence or around the problem areas.
  • Motion-activated deterrents: These devices emit sounds, spray water, or use ultrasonic technology to startle dogs when approaching certain areas. They are effective in deterring dogs from digging near fences.

Creating Off-limits Areas

An alternative method to prevent dogs from digging under the fence is to create off-limits areas. You can achieve this by:

  • Using chicken wire or mesh fencing: Dig a trench along the fence’s perimeter and bury the chicken wire or mesh fencing. This creates an additional barrier that dogs cannot dig through.
  • Planting dense shrubs or bushes: These natural barriers can be planted along the fence line to deter dogs from digging. Opt for thorny varieties such as rose bushes or holly bushes.
  • Installing a smaller fence within the larger one: Create a smaller fenced-off area within your yard using materials like PVC or wire fencing. This will prevent your dog from accessing the fence and digging underneath it.

Pouring A Concrete Footer

For a more permanent solution, pouring a concrete footer along the base of your fence can effectively prevent dogs from digging. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Dig a trench at least 12 inches deep along the entire perimeter of your fence.
  2. Place wooden forms along the inside edge of the trench.
  3. Mix a concrete mixture according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  4. Pour the concrete into the trench, ensuring it is level and fills the entire space.
  5. Smooth the concrete using a trowel.
  6. Allow the concrete to cure for at least 48 hours before allowing your dog near the fence.

Using these alternative methods, you can effectively prevent your dog from digging under the fence and keep them safely in your yard. Combine these techniques with proper training and supervision to ensure the best results.

Preventive Measures

Preventive Measures

To prevent dogs from digging under the fence, install a barrier like chicken wire or hardware cloth at the base of the fence. Pet-safe deterrents such as citrus peels or vinegar in the off-limits area can also discourage digging.

Additionally, consider training and providing mental and physical stimulation for your dog to prevent this behavior.

Dogs are intuitive to dig, which can become a nuisance when searching under the fence. Fortunately, you can take several preventive measures to keep your furry friend from escaping. Here are some effective methods that will help you deter your dog from digging under the fence.

Placing Large Rocks Along The Fence Line

One effective solution is to place large rocks along the fence line. Dogs are less likely to dig if they encounter obstacles like these. The stones should be placed close together, leaving no gaps for your dog to squeeze through. This prevents them from digging under the fence and acts as a physical deterrent to stop them from attempting to escape.

Burying The Bottom Of The Fence

Another preventive measure is to bury the bottom of the fence. Planting the wall a few inches below the surface creates a barrier that makes it difficult for your dog to dig through. Use a shovel to dig a trench along the fence line, ensuring the depth is enough to prevent your dog from getting underneath. Once the trench is dug, firmly press the bottom of the fence into the trench and refill it with soil, securing the wall in place.

Using Chain Link Fencing On The Ground

Using chain link fencing on the ground is another effective way to prevent your dog from digging under the fence. Attach a strip of chain link fencing to the bottom of the existing wall, extending it a few feet into your yard. Dig a shallow trench along the fence line and bury the edge of the chain link fencing. This creates an additional barrier that makes it difficult for your dog to dig through. By implementing these preventive measures, you can successfully keep your dog from digging under the fence and ensuring their safety. Consistency is critical in training your dog to respect the fence’s boundaries. By using these methods, positive reinforcement, and regular exercise, you can have peace of mind knowing that your furry friend will stay safely in your yard.

Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Keep Dogs From Digging Under Fence

What Repels Dogs From Digging?

Use pet-safe deterrents like citrus peels, vinegar, or repellent sprays with scents dogs dislike to deter dogs from digging. Additionally, block off areas with chicken wire or chain-link fence at the base to prevent digging. Pouring a concrete footer can also secure the bottom of the wall.

What Can I Put At The Bottom Of My Fence To Keep Dogs In?

To keep dogs in, you can attach chicken wire, hardware cloth, or chain-link fence to the bottom of your fence. You can bury or lay it on the grass and secure it with rocks, mulch, or planters. Alternatively, you can pour a concrete footer.

How Do I Stop My Dog From Pushing Under The Fence?

To stop your dog from pushing under the fence, you can try these methods: 1. Use pet-safe deterrents like citrus peels or vinegar to make off-limits areas less appealing. 2. Attach chicken wire or hardware cloth to the bottom of the fence or lay it on top of the grass and secure it with rocks or mulch.

  1. Consider pouring a concrete footer to prevent digging. 4. Explore wooden or chain-link fence solutions demonstrated in online videos for more effective containment.

How Do You Dog Proof A Gap Under A Fence?

To dog-proof a gap under a fence, you can use chicken wire, hardware cloth, or a chain-link fence at the base. Secure it with rocks, mulch, or planters. Another option is to pour a concrete footer. You can also use pet-safe deterrents like citrus peels, vinegar, or repellant sprays with scents that dogs dislike.


There are several effective solutions you can try to keep dogs from digging under your fence,

To create a temporary fence, consider reinforcing the barrier’s base with materials such as chicken wire or chain-link fence, while incorporating pet-safe deterrents like citrus peels or vinegar to discourage your dog from digging.

Additionally, pouring a concrete footer or using rocks, gravel, or mulch to cover the base can prevent digging. Implementing these strategies can keep your dog safe and secure in your yard.